Fѐis Òigridh (An Giblean)

***We are now open for booking for our Easter Fèis from 7th to 10th April 2025!***

We have an amazing team of tutors at each of the three sites this Easter; and all information about workshops, venues, and booking can be found on the above tabs and on our booking site.

We are also putting on a community ceilidh in each location: Tuesday at the Duthac Centre, Tain, followed by Wednesday at the Ullapool Village Hall, and Thursday in the National Hotel in Dingwall. These events will be open to participants and their families as well as the wider community, and will be a chance for you to hear your tutors in concert. More information about the ceilidhs can be found in the tab above.

Prìsean & Clàradh

Tha sinn air cumadh nan tachartasan seo atharrachadh gus an dèanamh nas saoire do theaghlaichean agus gus an cunnart a lughdachadh gun caill Fèis Rois airgead orra aig an àm seo. Gun a’ chosgais a bharrachd an lùib tachartas làn-chòmhnaidh a chumail, ‘s urrainn dhuinn an t-seachdain seo fhàgail na thachartas “pàighibh na ‘s urrainn dhuibh”.

Chì sibh ceithir roghainnean pàighidh, a’ tòiseachadh aig “Cha tèid agam air rud sam bith a phàigheadh agus bu thoigh leam àite an-asgaidh fhaighinn.” Ma ‘s urrainn dhuibh barrachd a phàigheadh, an uair sin tha roghainnean agaibh £50, £75, no £100 a phàigheadh. Tha £100 a’ riochdachadh cosgais £25 san latha airson teagasg bho 10m.-3.30f.

Tuigidh sinn nach tèid aig cuid a dhaoine air pàigheadh nan àiteachan sin. Tha sinne ag iarraidh gun tèid aig gach pàiste air brath a ghabhail air a’ chothrom seo, agus faodaidh sibh an roghainn pàighidh a fhreagras oirbh a thaghadh.

Tha a h-uile oide againn nan neach-ciùil proifeiseanta, comasach is fiosrach agus aig a bheil eòlas air a bhith ag obair le òigridh. Tha sgioba de luchd-stiùiridh is luchd-obrach saor-thoileach againn cuideachd a chuidicheas le bhith a’ ruith nan tachartasan againn. Tha an òigridh fo stiùir an luchd-obrach fad an t-siubhail agus bidh sinn ag obair a rèir nan Stiùiridhean airson Dìon Chloinne is Slàinte is Sàbhailteachd. Tha a h-uile neach-obrach againn nam ball den Sgeama PVG a tha air a ruith le Foillseachadh Alba.

Tha e na dhealas dhuinn ceòl traidiseanta a dhèanamh fosgailte dhan h-uile duine. Nam bu toigh leibh bruidhinn rinn, an diomhaireachd, air taic dha luchd-ionnsachaidh le feumalachdan no air so-ruigsinneachd shònraichte dha ur cuid chloinne, chan eil agaibh ach fios a chur gu Fiona no innse dhuinn air an fhoirm chlàraidh.

It was great fun. The tutors were kind and I made lots of friends.

2017 participant

We are delighted to be joined by a fantastic tutor team in Dingwall: John Somerville, Gillian Stevenson, Charlotte Mackenzie, and Siannie Moodie.


Workshops will take place at the Fèis Rois office in Dingwall. Every child gets to choose four different activities, i.e. one from 1st Choice, one from 2nd Choice, and so on. The class choices are as follows:

1st Choice
Intermediate+ Fiddle (open to P4-S1) with Gillian
Art (P4-S1) with Charlotte
Group work (open to S1-S6) with John– *participants take part in both 1st and 2nd choice.
Come and try Clarsach (open to all ages) with Siannie

2nd Choice
Groupwork (Primary who are already comfortable on their instrument) with Gillian
Art (Seniors) with Charlotte
Group work (open to S1-S6) with John*
Singing Together (P4-S1) all abilities including complete beginners – with Siannie

3rd Choice:
Music Games (P4-S1) with Gillian
Art (P4-S1) with Charlotte
Tune Writing (S1-S6) with John
Come and Try Clarsach (open to all) with Siannie

4th Choice:
Playing for Ceilidh Dancing (Intermediate+ on your instrument) (open to all ages) with Gillian
Art (open to all) with Charlotte
Come and Try Accordion (Open to all) with John
Clarsach (open to anyone who already plays from Improver through to Advanced) with Siannie


10am – 10.30am Arrive and whole Fèis song

10.30am – 11.30am First choice

11.30am – 11.45am Break

11.45am – 12.45pm Second choice

12.45pm – 1.30pm Lunch

1.30pm – 2.30pm Third choice

2.30 – 2.45pm break

2.45pm – 3.30pm Fourth choice and end at 3.30pm

We are delighted to be joined by a fantastic tutor team in Tain: Laura Wilkie, Kaitlin Ross, Sophie Stephenson, and Ruairidh Gollan.


Workshops will take place at Duthac Centre. Every child gets to choose four different activities, i.e. one from 1st Choice, one from 2nd Choice, and so on. The class choices are as follows:

1st Choice
Gaelic Song (open to all) with Kaitlin
Come and Try Accordion (open to all) with Ruairidh
Step Dance (open to all) with Sophie
Group work (open to S1-S6) with Laura – *participants take part in both 1st and 2nd choice.

2nd Choice
Music Games (P4-S1) with Kaitlin
Come and Try Fiddle (open to all) with Ruairidh
Games (open to Gaelic speaking primary pupils) with Sophie
Group work (open to S1-S6)* with Laura

3rd Choice
Gaelic Song (open to all)) with Kaitlin
Group work (open to S1-S6) with Ruairidh – **participants take part in both 3rd and 4th choice.
Come and Try Whistle (open to all) with Sophie
Advanced Fiddle (S1-S6) with Laura

4th Choice:
Come and Try Guitar (open to all) with Kaitlin
Group work (open to S1-S6)** with Ruairidh
Step dance (open to all) with Sophie
Intermediate+ Fiddle (P4-S1) with Laura


10am – 10.30am Arrive and whole Fèis song

10.30am – 11.30am First choice

11.30am – 11.45am Break

11.45am – 12.45pm Second choice

12.45pm – 1.30pm Lunch

1.30pm – 2.30pm Third choice

2.30 – 2.45pm break

2.45pm – 3.30pm Fourth choice and end at 3.30pm

We are delighted to be joined by a fantastic tutor team in Ullapool: Anne Wood, Kim Richards, Angus Binnie, and Mairearad Green.


Workshops will take place at Macphail Centre. Every child gets to choose four different activities, i.e. one from 1st Choice, one from 2nd Choice, and so on. The class choices are as follows:

1st Choice
Fiddle Intermediate+ (open to all ages) with Anne
Ukulele for Complete Beginners (open to all ages) with Kim
Tin Whistle for Beginners (P4-S1) with Angus
Group work (open to S1-S6) with Mairearad– *participants take part in both 1st and 2nd choice.

2nd Choice
Groupwork for Improving Beginner+ on any instrument (P4-S1) with Anne
Tin whistle for Complete Beginners (open to all ages) with Kim
Pipe Tunes for all instruments – Intermediate+ (all ages) with Angus
Group work (open to S1-S6) with Mairearad*

3rd Choice
Global Music – Improving Beginner+ on any instrument (all ages) with Anne
Keyboard for beginners/improvers (P4-S1) with Kim
Music Games (P4-S1) with Angus
Tune writing (open to S1-S6) with Mairearad

4th Choice
Come and Try Fiddle (all ages) with Anne
Song arranging (All ages – Intermediate+) with Kim
Tin Whistle for Intermediate/Advanced (S1-S6) with Angus
Accordion – Improving Beginner + (all ages) with Mairearad


10am – 10.30am Arrive and whole Fèis song

10.30am – 11.30am First choice

11.30am – 11.45am Break

11.45am – 12.45pm Second choice

12.45pm – 1.30pm Lunch

1.30pm – 2.30pm Third choice

2.30 – 2.45pm break

2.45pm – 3.30pm Fourth choice and end at 3.30pm

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