Young Person playing the Accordion

Instrument Hire

Fèis Rois has more than 100 instruments available for hire with priority given to people who enrol for our programme of weekly classes.

We offer FREE instrument hire to anyone taking part in a weekly class with Fèis Rois. We hope that this makes it easier for people to access a musical instrument, and especially more expensive instruments such as accordions and harps.

Many of our instruments came to us through generous donations from people in the community. If you have an instrument to donate then please contact us.

For people who would like to hire an instrument, but who are not attending our classes, we offer instruments at the following rates:

  • Fiddle: £7.50 per month
  • Guitar: £7.50 per month
  • Accordion: £10 per month
  • Clarsach (Scottish small harp): £20 per month

We do have a waiting list for some of our larger, more expensive instruments, such as clarsachs. Please contact us if you would like to hire an instrument so we can check our stock and arrange a time for you to visit the office to collect your instrument and complete the relevant forms.

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