Rachael Duff
Rachael is the Education Manager at Fèis Rois where she manages the organisation’s schools programme. Prior to taking up this post at Fèis Rois in September 2010 she was the Artistic Director of Firefly Arts, a youth arts company based in West Lothian. Rachael started at Firefly Arts as a trainee drama workshop leader, before she went on to the roles of Associate Director for Education and then Associate Director of Youth Theatre. Through the Richter Foundation, she has facilitated theatre workshops across Europe as well as co-delivering training for European youth workers. Rachael has a BA in Theatre and Media Drama from the University of Glamorgan and following the completion of her degree she became one of the first RANK foundation apprentices, where she was a youth worker for the RCDA Youth Service. Rachael was brought up going to the Gordon Gaitherin in Aberdeenshire, where she loved learning traditional music.