Dè tha dol
Easter Youth Fèis – book now!
7-10 April, Dingwall | Tain | Ullapool
Fèis Rois nan Inbheach / Adult Fèis
2-5 May 2025, Ullapool
Kiltearn Fiddlers workshop
2nd March, Dingwall
Còmhradh ri…
3rd March, Online Gaelic Q&A with guest speakers (fluent speakers & intermediate to advanced level learners)
Cearcall Còmhraidh
24th February, Our online Gaelic conversation class is aimed at intermediate level learners
Gaelic Conversation
In-person Gaelic class in Dingwall every Monday morning
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Thoiribh Taic Dhuinn
Tha sinn a' sìor strì gus teachd-a-steach a bharrachd a lorg gus dèanamh cinnteach gun ruig a h-uile duine air na tachartasan againn.
Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh